Rohani Redzwa
Rohani Redzwa's Blog
Welcome To My World. A place To Share My Stories. Fool me once, your loss. End of story!
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Surah Ghafir : Ayat 44
Assalamualaikum, salam subuh, salam kenal buat semua yang baru sahaja mengenali diri ini. Salam bersua kembali kepada yang telah mengenali diri ini
Di sini saya ingin kongsikan satu ayat untuk mereka yang sedang dilanda musibah. Dalam kesedihan. Dalam keresahan. Hati tak tenang. Gundah gulana. Jiwa tak tenteram. Amalkan membaca ayat ni tiap-tiap hari, selepas solat, pada bila-bila masa sahaja, pagi, petang, siang, malam, insyaAllah jiwa akan kembali tenang dan segala keresahan akan hilang dengan izin Allah.
InsyaAllah, tidak kira betapa sedih atau terluka, anda masih mampu tersenyum dan melindungi segala keresahan yang ada dalam diri.
Mari sama-sama kita amalkan. Kongsikan ayat ini pada rakan-rakan anda yang anda rasa memerlukannya. InsyaAllah pahala buat kita semua.
وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِي إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ
Maksudnya : "Dan aku sentiasa menyerahkan urusanku bulat-bulat kepada Allah, (untuk memeliharaku), sesungguhnya Allah maha melihat akan keadaan hamba-hambanya".
(Surah Ghafir : Ayat 44)
Salamun Qaulam Mir Rabbir Rahim
سَلَـٰمٌ۬ قَوۡلاً۬ مِّن رَّبٍّ۬ رَّحِيمٍ۬
Nak tahu kenapa kita baca “Salamun Qaulam Mir Rabbir Rahim” berulang kali dalam surah Yassin? Ini Sebabnya :
Ini adalah rahsia ayat yang ke-58 dalam surah Yassin.
Kepada sesiapa yang membaca surah Yassin sepenuhnya dan pada ayat ke-58 surah tersebut diulang sebanyak 7 kali untuk 7 niat yang baik.
Insyaallah dengan izinnya yang maha esa dan maha kuasa, semua atau sebahagian hajat kita akan dikabulkan.
Bacaan dan bunyinya begini :
سَلَـٰمٌ۬ قَوۡلاً۬ مِّن رَّبٍّ۬ رَّحِيمٍ۬
“Salamun Qaulam Mir Rabbir Rahim”
Anda bolehlah niatkan seperti berikut :
1. YA-ALLAH YA-RAHIM, ampunkan dosa-dosaku, dosa saudara-maraku dan dosa kaum muslimin yang lain.
2. YA-ALLAH YA-RAHMAN, kurniakan kepadaku isteri atau suami serta anak-anak yang soleh / solehah dan mencintai agamamu Ya Allah.
3. YA-ALLAH YA-RAZZAK, kurniakan kepadaku rezeki yang berkat, pekerjaan yang baik serta kejayaan didunia dan akhirat.
4. YA-ALLAH YA-JABBAR, makbulkan segala hajatku.
5. YA-ALLAH YA-MUTAQABBIR, jauhkan aku dari sifat hasad dengki, khianat dan munafiq.
6. YA-ALLAH YA-WADUUD, kurniakan aku dan seluruh umat islam yang beriman dengan kesihatan zahir dan batin.
7. YA-ALLAH YA-ZALJALAA LIWAL IKRAM, makbulkanlah semua hajatku, dan redhakan aku.
Sampaikan ilmu atau pengetahuan dakwah ini kepada keluarga, saudara mara, sahabat anda dan sesiapa sahaja seramai yang boleh dengan apa cara sekalipun. Zaman serba moden ini, kita mampu menyampaikan apa yang kita tahu hanya melalui hujung jari kita.
Ya Allah, tanamkan di hati kami perasaan sentiasa rindu kepadamu, sentiasa ingatkan kami tentang dahsyatnya hari akhiratmu agar hambamu tidak tertipu dengan nikmat dunia yang sementara ini.
Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, penguasa hati kami, tetapkanlah hati kami dalam taqwa dan istiqomah supaya tetap berada dijalanmu hingga ke akhir hayat kami. Aamiin Ya Rabbal’alamin.
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami, berkatilah kami, rahmatilah kami dan berikanlah kami hidayahmu supaya kami sentiasa dekat kepadamu hingga ke akhir hayat.
Aamiin Ya Rabbal A’alamin.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
duduk, brek tangan sudah ditarik.
melaraskan tempat duduk.
menentukan kedudukan tangan pada stereng.
melaraskan cermin pandang belakang dan cermin sisi kiri dan kanan.
suhu enjin berfungsi.
bahan bakar berfungsi.
amaran brek tangan berfungsi.
amaran tekanan minyak enjin berfungsi.
amaran bateri berfungsi.
memastikan gear dalam keadaan P.
menghidupkan enjin dengan menekan brek.
depan berfungsi.
isyarat kiri dan kanan berfungsi.
hazard berfungsi.
/ RPM berfungsi.
-Pemancut air dan pengelap cermin
depan berfungsi.
-Pemancut air dan pengelap cermin
belakang berfungsi.
-Saya memakai dan menguji tali
pinggang keledar, tali pinggang keledar berfungsi.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Based on my reading in this chapter, I have chosen the
Universal USB Backup Power Bank by Pineng as one of the handheld device as a
part of this assignment. In this writing, I will elaborate about how this Power
Bank has been designed and I will also elaborate about how the user is meant to
interact with it.
Nowadays, Power Bank is
one of the most important device that has been invented by the inventor. Long
time ago, people can live without the existence of this power supply, but due
to the development of the technology, Power Bank or backup power supply for
phones and other devices such as speaker or any other small devices that can support
this type of power supply are now become one of the most important thing for
all the user out there no matter where they need to travel especially when
using their phone.
This Power Bank is the
most important thing to have if you are one of the most addicted phone user
because the longer you are using your phone, the more power you need to prepare
for your phone battery. The usage for the battery of your phone is the most
important things that need to be aware because you should not let your phone
battery draining if you are going to use your phone in a very long period of
Therefore, that is why
this devices such as Power Bank was created by the inventor. To design a
product or a devices, the creator or the inventor should think about the
usability of the product, its functionality, the aesthetics of the product, the
content, the look and feel of the product or the devices, and last but not
least the sensual and emotion appeal of the product itself. In my humble
opinion, based on the device or product that I have chosen which is the
Universal USB Backup Power Bank by Pineng, I think that this device has all the
criteria that was mention above.
is because the usability of this device is very great and convenient, due to
the simple ways of using it without the need of extra knowledge to handle it.
Which can also be called as a plug and play device. The user did not have to
learn hard on how to use and handle this device. The functionality of this
product or device is very intelligence because it can avoid the user’s phone battery
form draining or dead. So, we can say that the content of this device is very
for the aesthetics, look and feel and also the sensual and emotion appeal of
this device is extremely user friendly. This is because, it physical appearance
is not too big, and also not to small, so it is very easy to carry and easy to
handle. So, I am going to elaborate on the most important parts of this device
which is usability goals and its user experience goals. There are a lot of
usability goals on the usage of this device which include effective to use,
efficient to use, safe to use, having good utility, easy to learn and last but
not least easy to remember how to use.
on my experience on using this device, the most relevant usability for this
device is safe to use. One of the main reason why I said so is because, when we
are using a Power Bank while using our phone, it will protect your phone battery
and it will extend your battery life. It is because we as a user did not know
and did not understand how our phone battery degrades. Therefore, by using a
Power Bank, we can at least save our phone and also its battery. It is not that
save or at least we can also say that it is very dangerous if we are using our
phone while charging using a direct charger. Therefore, an inventor has created
this device to enhance the life span of our phone battery and also the safety
of our own risk.
had listen to the media about an unsafe situation on using a charger while
using our phone. It can explode, it can also make your phone battery life span
become shorter and also indeed it make your phone battery increase in a nick of
time but it is not a safe ways to use and handle your phone which charging.
Although, a lot of people who is not patience and wanted their phone to have a
lot of battery without have to wait for hours, but by using a Power Bank, we
can avoid fast charging, we can also avoid our phone battery draining and we
should know that we can extend the life span of our phone battery and it is
also very important for our own safety.
but not least, I will elaborate on the user experience goals that I think will
be the most relevant in evaluating the device. Although there are a lot of
benefits that we can gain by using a Power Bank and it also gave us a lot of
good things toward our other devices such as phone, but, there are also this
one undesirable aspects of this device which is unpleasant. The main reason why
I said so is because let us think about we are using our phone while connecting
and charging using a Power Bank while we are relaxing, there are this USB cable
that giving us an uncomfortable situation. This is because, we are using our
phone, and we also have to put the Power Bank near us and also need to hold the
phone while connecting thru the cable. So, in my humble opinion, I think that
the inventor can think about creating or at least upgrading the Power Bank
technologies in the future. What I meant by upgrading the Power Bank is we can
create or invent a Power Bank which does not need to connect to a cable or plug
in a cable to charge the phone but we can use a Bluetooth instead. Therefore,
inventor can at least try to invent a Bluetooth Connectivity Power Bank or we
can at least name it as a Bluetooth Device Power Bank.
Friday, April 13, 2018
CWT 3172
IN YEAR 1931
NO. MATRIK : C17A0353
In this essay, I will discuss about my favorite
painting and I will judge this art work critically. My favorite painting is “The
Persistence of Memory” which was painted by Salvador Dali in year 1931. There
are a lot of reasons why I choose this art work as my favorite painting. First
and foremost, this painting has everything that associated with the Kantian’s
four judgment in his critique of judgment.
my humble opinion, this painting is very beautiful. It is because I found out
that the color in this painting is blended so well that I can’t even found any
mistake from the painting itself. What I mean by the painting’s color is
blended so well and doesn’t even have any mistake in it is because, this
painting looks so smooth and we will feel pleasure and relax when we take a
look at it. I also think that the color in the painting catches the eye.
on my first opinion about the painting, I found out that my own statement about
the painting is 100% had got to do with one of the Kantian’s four judgment
which is the agreeable. This is because, the agreeable is a purely sensory
judgment. The agreeable judgment is a purely subjective judgment, which based
on the inclination alone. This statement also had got something to do with the judgment
of beauty which is the beautiful.
judgment of beauty is what the Kantian called the free play between the
cognitive powers of imagination and understanding. We call an object beautiful,
because its form fits our cognitive powers and enables such a free play the
experience of which is pleasurable to us. As what I mention earlier that this
painting gave me pleasure when I look at it. The judgment that something is
beautiful is a claim that it possesses the form of finality, that it appears to
have been designed with a purpose, even though it does not have any apparent
practical function.
most valuable reason that makes me choose this painting or art work as my
favorite painting is because this art work had given me a lot of lesson from it
and it taught me about life. This painting makes a statement on the arbitrary
concept of time. Dali was enamored with the psychology of dreams and the
subconscious mind. This art work has multiple interpretations.
only does it depict a dream, a world where time is irrelevant and erratic, but
it is also a depiction of Einstein’s theory of relativity, that time is
relative and not fixed. Either way, we can take something away from this
painting that time is what you make of it. We all have the same amount of hours
in the day. Therefore, instead of making excuses about how you don’t have time
to apply for that job, think of this art work and remember, time is a concept.
You can construct your future on whatever time frame you choose.
most valuable reason about why I choose this art work as my favorite painting
really does associated with one of the Kantian’s four judgment which is the
good. The good is essentially a judgment that something is ethical. It is the
judgment that something conforms with moral law, which, in the Kantian sense,
is essentially a claim of modality, a coherence with a fixed and absolute
notion of reason. It is in many ways the absolute opposite of the agreeable, in
that it is a purely objective judgment. Which things are either moral or they
are not.
but not least, I found out that this painting gave a little bit of fear effect
to me because of the picture of a melting pocket watch. In my own opinion, I
think that this painting want us to know that mankind is in loss due to the
time that being wasted. Due to my imagination of the definition from this
painting, I really think that this painting really does make me feel scared of
based on my last statement, this painting does have got something to do with Kantian’s
last judgment which is the sublime. The judgment that something is sublime is a
judgment that it is beyond the limits of comprehension, that it is an object of
fear. However, Kant makes clear that the object must not actually be
threatening, it merely must be recognized as deserving of fear.
conclusion, I must say that Immanuel Kant's Critique of Judgment really has a
relationship with this painting. I also think that both Immanuel Kant's
Critique of Judgment and this painting had given me a lot of moral value and
lesson. It also gave me a lot of understanding about life and many more benefit
that I never learn before in my entire life.
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